Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 11 - Day 2
- phlegmatic [fleg mat´ ik]
“Duncan had a phlegmatic fourth quarter, dooming the Spurs’ opportunity to humble the New York Knicks.” TV announcer, NBA Finals, 6/22/99
- corroborate [kə rob´ ə rāt]
“Bill corroborated the captain’s statement, hurried back down the glistening ladders to his duty.” Hanson W. Baldwin, “R.M.S. Titanic”
- comprehensive [kom´ pri hen´ siv]
“Lecter was built up as a superman, embodying absolute yet comprehensive evil.” Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, “Hannibal Lecter Returns,” New York Times Book Review, 6/10/99
- zealous [zel´ əs]
“James I was zealous in prosecuting Scottish sorcerers.” George Lyman Kittredge, Witchcraft in Old and New England
- coerce [kō ėrs´]
“The loan sharks sometimes have to coerce people in order to collect the debt.” Peter Kilborn, “Lenders Thrive on Workers in Need,” New York Times, 6/18/99
fair-weather friends—unreliable, they fail one in time of distress
The general was chagrined* to learn that so many of his supposed supporters were actually fair-weather friends.