Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 24 - Day 2
- taboo [tə bü´]
“The modern motion pictures have shown so much that once was considered taboo.” Harold H. Owen, Jr., The Motion Picture
- imprudent [im prüd´ nt]
“We are not so imprudent as to destroy the bees that work for us.” Robert Tanner, Principles of Agriculture
- prohibition [prō´ ə bish´ ən]
“The U.S. public is slowly coming around to accepting the idea that a prohibition against the easy access to hand guns is inevitable.” Roger Rosenblatt, “Get Rid of the Damned Things,” TIME, 8/9/99
- imperative [im per´ ə tiv]
“But unlike the others, Mrs. Hassan had yet another imperative: her son Huseyin has leukemia and needs blood.” Edmund L. Andrews, “I Cannot Die,” New York Times, 8/19/99
- taint [tānt]
“The defense argued that poor police procedures had tainted the evidence.” Newsday, 6/19/98
the first water—of the best quality, the greatest
Lebron James is obviously a basketball player of the first water who would be of enormous value to any team.