Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 37 - Day 3
- motivate [mō´ tə vāt]
“The loss of our star quarterback seemed to motivate the team to play even harder.” Bill Parcells quoted in Sports Illustrated, 9/12/98
- rationalize [rash´ ə nə līz]
“It is the task of the scientist to rationalize the remains of extinct civilizations to discover their histories.” Brian Fagan, Time Detective
- therapy [ther´ ə pē]
“He will have to undergo long-term therapy before considering playing baseball again.” The Washington Post, 7/9/99
- nascent [nas´ nt]
“The once nascent Women’s National Basketball Association has arrived and is healthy and prosperous.” New York Times, 7/17/99
- iconoclast [ī kon´ ə klast]
“He was an iconoclast about everything, except his love of money.” Garry Wills, syndicated newspaper column, 3/8/79
a square peg in a round hole—an able man in the wrong job
It was a bitter pill to swallow* when they had to fire him because he was a square peg in a round hole.