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Barron’s 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 8 – Day 3

Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 8 - Day 3

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  • ubiquitous [yü bik´ wə təs] 

“Che Guevera has become ubiquitous; his figure stares out at us from coffee mugs and posters, pops up in rock songs and operas.” Ariel Dorfman, “Che,” TIME, 6/14/99

  • remote [ri mōt´] 

“The pull of the remote stars is so slight as to be obliterated in the vaster moments by which the ocean yields to the moon and sun.” Rachel Carson, The Sea Around Us

  • thwart [thwôrt] 

“The man who made up the name for flies must have been thwarted in a life-long desire to have children, and at last found that outlet for his suppressed baby-talk.” Robert Benchley, “The Lure of the Road”

  • harbinger [här´ bən jər] 

“It is easy enough to find harbingers of the episode in the early coverage of Mrs. Dole’s candidacy.” TIME, 5/24/99

  • malignant [mə lig´ nənt] 

“The wailing chorus turned into a malignant clamor that swirled into my ears like an icy breeze.” Kenneth Roberts, Oliver Wiswell


to cool one’s heels—to be kept waiting

The shrewd mayor made the angry delegates cool their heels in his outer office.

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