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Speak Business English Like an American Lesson 12 Idioms and Expressions Test

Speak Business English Like an American Lesson 12 Idioms and Expressions Test

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LESSON 12 – Running a Meeting


Julia is running a meeting. When Larry and Sally start arguing, Julia has to bring the meeting back under control.

Julia: Let’s get down to business. We need to cover a lot of ground. Our first agenda item is to figure out how we’re going to respond to all the complaints we’ve been getting about our new website.

Larry: Just so we’re all on the same page, please give us an overview of the problem.

Julia: In a nutshell, our customers are complaining that it’s very difficult to place orders through the new website.

Sally: I think we jumped the gun by not conducting focus groups with our customers before we launched our new website.

Larry: More focus groups? Every time I turn around we’re running focus groups! It’s gotten out of hand.

Sally: I beg to differ. Focus groups are very important. They help us better understand our customer.

Julia: Well, clearly you two don’t see eye to eye on this issue.

Larry: Ha! That’s putting it lightly! Focus groups are a waste of time and they…

Julia: Excuse me, let’s not get off track here. Does anybody else want to weigh in on the issue at hand?

Carl: If I can put in you two cents, I agree with Sally that focus groups would’ve been a good idea.

Julia: Well, enough about focus groups for now. Let’s move on to our next agenda item —. planning for our company offsite.

Larry: Wait, I’m not finished talking about the website!

Julia: We can circle back to that at the end of our meeting if we have time. I want to keep us on schedule since I know many of us have another meeting at 11 o’clock.


  • (to) get down to business

 to start work; to begin discussing the important issues

EXAMPLE: We could talk about last night’s baseball game for hours, but let’s get down to business and start the negotiation.

  • (to) cover a lot of ground

 to discuss many topics; to have a productive discussion

EXAMPLE: That was an excellent meeting. We covered a lot of ground.

  • (to be) on the same page

 to be in agreement; when everybody has the latest information on what’s going on

EXAMPLE: Before we start on the next phase of this project, let’s have a meeting and make sure everybody’s on the same page.

NOTE: This expression is overused. You will likely hear it, but you may not want to use it.

  • in a nutshell

 in summary; in short

EXAMPLE: I won’t go into the details now. In a nutshell, our sales are down 50 percent versus one year ago.

  • (to) jump the gun

 to start doing something too soon or ahead of everybody else

EXAMPLE: The company jumped the gun by releasing a new product before the results of the consumer testing were in.

ORIGIN: A runner “jumps the gun” if he or she starts running before the starter’s pistol has been fired.

  • every time I turn around

 frequently; too often

EXAMPLE: Every time I turn around, Lisa is checking her stock portfolio on Yahoo. No wonder she never gets any work done.

  • (to be or to get) out of hand

 to be too much; to be out of control

EXAMPLE: Ed has called in sick 10 times this month. The situation is getting out of hand.

  • I beg to differ

 I don’t agree (a formal way of telling somebody you don’t agree with them)

EXAMPLE: You think Tim has the leadership skills required to run this division? I beg to differ!

  • (to) see eye to eye

 to be in agreement; to have the same opinion

EXAMPLE: Our manufacturing and our marketing people fight with each other all the time. They don’t see eye to eye on anything.

  • that’s putting it lightly

 that’s definitely true; that’s for sure; that’s an understatement

EXAMPLE: “You were upset when your husband lost his job?” — “That’s putting it lightly!”

  • (to) get off track

 to get off the subject; to lose focus; to digress

EXAMPLE: We’ve gotten off track. This meeting was supposed to be about our new sales strategy, but we ended up talking about Erin’s vacation in Spain!

  • (to) weigh in on

 to say something about; to comment on; to express an opinion

EXAMPLE: We’d like you to weigh in on some ideas we have for new products.

  • the issue at hand

 the topic under discussion; what’s being talked about now

EXAMPLE: We’ve somehow gotten off the topic. Let’s return to the issue at hand.

  • (to) put in one’s two cents

 to offer one’s opinion; to give an opinion without being asked

EXAMPLE: Let me just put in my two cents and say that I think we should definitely move our manufacturing to China.

  • (to) move on

 to proceed, to leave a job and do something else

EXAMPLE1: It’s time we move on to our next topic.

EXAMPLE2: Don’t feel too bad that you were fired. It was probably time for you to move on anyway.

  • (to) circle back to

 to return to

EXAMPLE: I’d like to circle back to something Maria said earlier in the meeting.

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