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Speak English Like an American Lesson 5 Idioms and Expressions MCQ Test

Speak English Like an American Lesson 5 Idioms and Expressions MCQ Test

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LESSON 5 – Ted Goes Out for The Evening


Ted leaves to go visit his girlfriend Amber. Ted’s mother Susan says she doesn’t really like Amber She wishes him a good time anyway.

Ted: See you later, Mom!

Susan: Where are you going, Ted?

Ted: I told Amber I’d drop by.

Susan: What are you two going to do?

Ted: Maybe go to the movies or to a party. Our plans are still up in the air.

Susan: Why don’t you invite her over here?

Ted: I don’t want to hang around here. Dad is really down in the dumps.

Susan: Is Amber the girl with the nose ring and the purple hair?

Ted: Yeah. I’m crazy about her!

Susan: Don’t take this the wrong way, but she’s not exactly my cup of tea.

Ted: Take it easy, Mom. We’re not about to get married. We just enjoy hanging out together.

Susan: I guess there’s no accounting for tasteHave a good time.

Ted: Don’t worry. We’ll have a blast!

Susan: (under her breath) That’s what I’m afraid of!


  • about to

 ready to; on the verge of

Example 1: It’s a good thing Bob left the furniture store when he did. Peter was so angry, he was about to throw a dining room chair at him.

Example 2: I’m glad you’re finally home. I was just about to have dinner without you.

  • (to be) crazy about

 to like very much

EXAMPLE 1: Amy is so crazy about golf, she’d like to play every day.

EXAMPLE 2: I’m sure Katie will agree to go out on a date with Sam. She’s crazy about him!

  • cup of tea

 the type of person or thing that one generally likes

EXAMPLE 1: Hockey isn’t Alan’s cup of tea. He prefers soccer.

EXAMPLE 2: I know Joy is nice, but she’s simply not my cup of tea.

NOTE: This expression is almost always used in the negative. She’s not my cup of tea.

  • (to be) down in the dumps

 to feel sad; to be depressed

EXAMPLE 1: It’s not surprising that Lisa is down in the dumps. Paws, the cat she had for 20 years, just died.

EXAMPLE 2: It’s easy to feel down in the dumps when it’s raining outside.

  • (to) drop by

 to pay a short, often unannounced visit

EXAMPLE 1: If we have time before the movie, let’s drop by Bill’s house.

EXAMPLE 2: “Hi, I was in the neighborhood so I thought I’d drop by!”

  • (to) hang around

 to spend time idly; to linger

EXAMPLE 1: We had to hang around the airport for an extra six hours because our flight was delayed.

EXAMPLE 2: Nina’s boyfriend Boris is coming over soon. She hopes her parents aren’t planning on hanging around the house.

  • (to) hang out

 to spend time (often doing nothing)

EXAMPLE 1: Ted spent all of last summer hanging out by his friend’s pool.

EXAMPLE 2: Kathy and her friends like to hang out at the mall.

NOTE: “Hang out with” means to keep company with someone.

  • (to) have a blast

 to enjoy oneself very much

EXAMPLE 1: Last summer, Nicole had a blast backpacking through Europe with some friends.

EXAMPLE 2: Heather spent her spring break in Fort Lauderdale with millions of other college students. She had a blast!

  • (to) have a good time

 to enjoy oneself

EXAMPLE 1: Marcy and Jose had a good time salsa dancing at Babalu, a nightclub in Manhattan.

EXAMPLE 2: Nora and Jake had a good time on their honeymoon in Maui.

  • take it easy

 relax; don’t worry

EXAMPLE 1: You lost your keys? Take it easy, I’m sure you’ll find them.

EXAMPLE 2: Stop yelling and take it easy. I’m sure there’s a good explanation for why Joe borrowed your car without asking first.

  • (to) take something the wrong way

 to take offense

EXAMPLE 1: Don’t take this the wrong way, but I liked your hair better before you got it cut.

EXAMPLE 2: Jessica is offended. I guess she took it the wrong way when I told her she should exercise more.

NOTE: This expression is often used in the negative form: “Don’t take this the wrong way, but…”

  • there’s no accounting for taste

 it’s impossible to explain individual likes and dislikes

EXAMPLE 1: Ted likes to put sugar on his spaghetti. I guess there’s no accounting for taste.

EXAMPLE 2: Tiffany has a tattoo of a squirrel on her leg. There’s no accounting for taste.

  • under one’s breath

 quietly; in a whisper

EXAMPLE 1: “Amber is strange,” muttered Nicole under her breath, as Ted was leaving the room.

EXAMPLE 2: Mike agreed to take out the garbage, saying under his breath, “I always do the dirty work around here.”

  • (to be) up in the air

 not yet determined; uncertain

EXAMPLE 1: It might rain later, so our plans for the picnic are up in the air.

EXAMPLE 2: Our trip to Russia is up in the air. We aren’t sure we’ll get our visas in time.

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