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Verbal Advantage – Level 01 Word 31 – Word 40 MCQ Test

Verbal Advantage - Level 01 Word 31 - Word 40 MCQ Test

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Word List

  • Word 31: Manifold [MAN-i-fohld]

Numerous and varied, consisting of many kinds, containing many elements, features, or characteristics: a large company with manifold operations and divisions; a challenging executive position with manifold responsibilities.


Manifold may sound like a fancy substitute for many, but it’s not. While many simply means much, a lot, manifold emphasizes variety, diversity. If your job has manifold duties then the things you do are both numerous and varied.

Equally difficult synonyms of manifold are multifarious (MUHLti-FAIR-ee-us) and multitudinous (MUHL-ti-T(Y)OO-di-nus). Both manifold and multifarious mean having great variety or diversity: The human race is multifarious, and human nature is even more complex and manifold. Multitudinous means containing a multitude, consisting of a great number of persons or things: “After his promotion to management, Bob was sometimes overwhelmed by mountains of paperwork and multitudinous administrative chores.”

  • Word 32: Pliant [PLY-int]

Bending easily, flexible, adaptable, workable.


Pliant comes from the French plier, to bend, the same source as pliers, the tool commonly used for bending or manipulating wires or metal pieces.

Pliantpliable, and supple all mean bending or moving easily. Pliant and pliable usually refer to objects that are easily workable. Supple may apply to material things or to a human body that is flexible and limber.

  • Word 33: Retort [ri-TORT]

A quick reply, especially one that is cutting or witty.


retort and a rejoinder are similar in meaning but not quite synonymous. Rejoinder may be used generally to mean any answer or response, but specifically it means a counterreply, an answer to a reply. A retort is a swift, pointed response.

Retort comes from the prefix re-, back, and the Latin torquere, to twist, turn, and means literally “something turned back.” In its most precise sense, a retort is a quick reply that counters or turns back a statement or argument: “Phil’s clever retorts kept his opponent on the defensive.”

  • Word 34: Obstinate [AHB-sti-nit]

Stubborn, inflexible, unwilling to give in or compromise, not yielding to argument or persuasion.


The obstinate person stubbornly adheres to a purpose or opinion, often regardless of the consequences: “First we reasoned with him, then we pleaded with him, but no matter what we said he remained obstinate and determined to have his way.”

Obstinate is sometimes mispronounced as if it were spelled obstinant, with an n slipped in before the final t. Take care to spell and pronounce this word correctly.

Synonyms of obstinate include hideboundintractableintransigent, and adamant (word 15 of Level 1).

  • Word 35: Lacerate [LAS-uh-rayt]

To tear, cut roughly, rend, mangle: “The sharp thorn lacerated his thumb.”


Lacerate may also be used figuratively to mean to wound, afflict, cause pain: “Her husband’s vicious retort lacerated her pride and made her burst into tears.”

  • Word 36: Omnipotent [ahm-NIP-uh-tint]

All-powerful, almighty, having unlimited power or authority.


Omnipotent is formed from the word potent, powerful, and the combining form omni-, all. Whenever you see omni- in a word you have a good clue to its meaning, for you know that half the word means “all.”

For example, omnidirectional (AHM-nee-di-REK-shi-nul) means all-directional, as an omnidirectional microphone, one that picks up signals from all directions. Omnipresent (AHM-ni-PREZ-int) means all-present, present everywhere at once. Omniscient (ahmNISH-int) means all-knowing, having universal knowledge. Omnivorous (ahm-NIV-uh-rus) means eating all kinds of food or taking in everything: “She is an avid reader with an omnivorous mind.” Our keyword, omnipotent, means all-powerful, almighty.

  • Word 37: Unscrupulous [uhn-SKROO-pyuh-lus]

Untrustworthy, dishonorable, deceitful, corrupt, lacking integrity or moral principles: “The commission issued a report on unscrupulous business practices in the industry.”


scruple is something that causes hesitation or doubt in determining what is appropriate and proper. Scrupulous means having scruples; hence, taking pains to do something exactly right. The scrupulous person is precise, careful, and honest. Unscrupulous means without scruples; hence, untrustworthy, unreliable, deceitful, and corrupt. Unscrupulous people will do almost anything, no matter how dishonorable, to get what they want.

  • Word 38: Renaissance [ren-uh-SAHNS or REN-uhsahns]

A revival, rebirth, resurgence, renewal of life or vigor.


The Renaissance was a revival of classical forms and motifs in art, architecture, literature, and scholarship that began in Italy in the fourteenth century, spread throughout Europe, and continued into the seventeenth century. Historically, the Renaissance marked the end of the medieval era and the beginning of the modern world.

The word renaissance comes from a French verb meaning to be born again. When spelled with a small or lowercase rrenaissance may refer to any renewal or resurgence of life, energy, or productivity. Many types of renaissance are possible: a cultural renaissance, a moral renaissance, a spiritual renaissance, and even a renaissance in the economy. A renaissance is a revival, rebirth, resurgence.

  • Word 39: Genesis [JEN-uh-sis]

A coming into being, beginning, origin, birth, creation.


The first book of the Judeo-Christian Bible is called Genesis because it describes God’s creation, the origin of the universe and humankind. In current usage genesis may refer in a general sense to any creation or process of coming into being: the genesis of an idea; the genesis of a work of art; the genesis of an important social movement; the genesis of a distinguished career.

  • Word 40: Warrant [WAHR-int]

To justify, give good reason for, authorize, sanction: the circumstances do not warrant such extraordinary measures; the evidence warrants further investigation; these safety procedures are warranted (WAHR-in-tid) by company regulations.


Warrant may also mean to guarantee, promise, give formal assurance of: the Postal Service will not warrant delivery on a specific day; the manufacturer warrants the safety of the product.

The adjective unwarranted means without good reason or authorization, unjustifiable: the U.S. Constitution protects citizens against unwarranted search and seizure; people resent unwarranted government interference in private enterprise.

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