Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 12 - Day 2
- prestigious [pre stij´ əs]
“He had finally reached his present prestigious position of wealth and security, and he felt he was entitled to sit back and enjoy his happiness.” Ronald Byron, “Happy Days for Harrison Gumedi”
- placard [plak´ ärd]
“Yet a mile away at the ultra-orthodox Mea Shearim neighborhood, wall placards now warn residents not to have Internet-linked computers in their homes.” Thomas Friedman, “All in the Family,” New York Times, 6/22/99
- integral [in´ tə grəl]
“Let Office 2000 be an integral part of your productivity tools.” Newspaper ad for Microsoft Office 2000
- remuneration [ri myü´ nə rā´ shən]
“Please mail your resume along with your expected remuneration to our Director of Personnel.” Want ad, New York Times, 7/7/99
- nominal [nom´ ə nəl]
“As the nominal head of his party, the governor was courted by all the Sunday morning talk shows.” Archer Karnes, “Politics and Poker”
to wash dirty linen in public—to openly discuss private affairs
“Let’s talk about it privately,” his uncle said, “rather than wash our dirty linen in public.”