Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 13 - Day 1
- importune [im´ pôr tün´]
“Many businessmen were importuned to come to Washington.” John McDonald, On Capitol Hill
- incontrovertible [in´ kon trə vėr´ tə bəl]
“The Wilsons lived in a universe of words linked into an incontrovertible firmament by two centuries of Calvinist divines.” John Dos Passos, U.S.A.
- surreptitious [sər´ əp tish´ əs]
“He was surreptitiously negotiating to have 70 percent of the payments turned over to himself.” David C. Johnson, “Tax Evasion Scheme,” New York Times, 1/1/00
- haven [hā´ vən]
“The desire to escape the city has filtered down into every other economic group, and as a result of the suburb’s popularity, that haven of refuge is itself filling up.” Lewis Mumford, “The Roaring Traffic’s Boom”
- subjugate [sub´ jə gāt]
“The country had been bitterly divided, so ruthless in its determination to keep the black majority subjugated.” Sheryl McCarthy, “Mandela Was South Africa’s Perfect Choice,” Newsday, 6/17/99
to take the bull by the horns—to face a problem directly
After several days of delay, the minister decided to take the bull by the horns, and so he sent for the vandals.