Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 15 - Day 3
- persevere [pėr´ sə vir´]
“The Knicks persevered as first Patrick Ewing and then Johnson went down with injuries.” George Vecsey, “Sports of the Times,” New York Times, 6/22/99
- landmark [land´ märk´]
“The remarkable trees formed good landmarks by which the place might easily be found again.” Washington Irving, “The Devil and Tom Walker”
- extrinsic [ek strin´ sik]
“Disdaining contributions from extrinsic lobbying groups, the candidate won my admiration and my vote.” Lawrence Burton, “Inside the Polls”
- declaim [di klām´]
“Some of the province’s most illustrious men visited the courthouse and declaimed within its four walls.” Hazel Grinnell, Travel Journal
- fetter [fet´ ər]
“The cruel fetters of the galley slaves were wet with blood.” Alex Haley, Roots
to break the ice—to make a start by overcoming initial difficulties
The auto salesman had a poor week, but he finally broke the ice by selling a fully equipped Cadillac.