Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 16 - Day 1
- indigenous [in dij´ ən əs]
“A MacArthur Foundation grant was given to Dennis A. Moore for helping to preserve the language and culture of indigenous groups in Brazil.” Announcement of MacArthur Grants, 6/23/99
- gregarious [grə ger´ ē es]
“We will take with us one thing alone that exists among porpoises as among men; an ingrained gregariousness.” Loren Eiseley, “Man and Porpoise”
- habitat [hab´ ə tat]
“Billy begins to be happy about life only in an artificial but cozy habitat on another planet.” William Bly, Barron’s Book Notes, Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
- cursory [kėr´ sər ē]
“Even a cursory glance at the text of the peace agreement shows that the Yugoslav leader has accepted NATO’s demands in full.” Tim Judah, “What Do We Do With Serbia Now?,” New York Times, 6/4/99
- interloper [in´ tər lō´ per]
“Indeed, the magazine managers are treated as foreign interlopers.” Michael Woolf, “Tribune and Tribulation,” New York, 7/5/99
in a bee line—taking the straightest, shortest route (that’s the way a bee flies back to the hive after he has gathered food)
When the couple left, the babysitter made a bee line for the refrigerator.