Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 15 - Day 1
- complicity [kəm plis´ ə tē]
“After 1945, Hitler’s Germans replaced complicity with denial.” Lance Morrow, “Done in the Name of Evil,” TIME, 6/14/99
- liquidation [lik´ wə dā´ shən]
“Hiding the forty-six comrades who were scheduled for liquidation became much easier.” David Hackett, The Buchenwald Report
- accomplice [ə kom´ plis]
“His chief accomplice was Democratic boss John Dingell, who sold out his party in the dark of night.” Maureen Dowd, “The God Squad,” New York Times, 6/20/99
- recant [ri kant´]
“The government’s key witness in the case recanted her testimony, claiming she had been intimidated by prosecutors.” Rob Polner, “Set Back for Prosecutors,” New York Post, 6/23/99
- culpable [kul´ pə bəl]
“When the jury found Stacy culpable, she collapsed in a state of shock.” Eloise R. Baxter, “Judgment Day”
woolgathering—absentmindedness or daydreaming
When the young genius should have been doing his homework, he was frequently engaged in woolgathering.