Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 18 - Day 3
- deem [dēm]
“You shall stay here as long as the proper authorities deem necessary.” Bernard Malamud, The Fixer
- inherent [in hir´ ənt]
“Harvey lacked graduate degrees but his inherent knowledge of human nature enabled him to be successful as a personnel manager.” “Rungs on the Corporate Ladder,” American Management Association brochure
- buff [buf]
“Grandpa was a stock market buff, hanging around the Dreyfus office most every weekday and following the yo-yo Dow Jones averages.” Eloise Ryan Abernethy, One Family’s Finances [adapted]
- romp [romp]
“She was expected to win the governor’s race in a romp.” Wolf Blitzer, CNN News, 2/2/98
- latent [lāt´ nt]
“All our latent strength was now alive.” Winston Churchill, Their Finest Hour
to go against the grain—to irritate
My uncle is in favor of some protests, but certain demonstrations go against the grain.