Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 18 - Day 4
- tortuous [tôr´ chü əs]
“The tortuous descent down the mountain resulted in one additional fatality, this time a sure-footed Sherpa guide.” Winston Adair, “Everest Takes Its Toll”
- itinerant [ī tin´ ər ənt]
“Hamlet greeted the group of itinerant actors and made them part of a plan to trap Claudius.” Barron’s Educational Series, Book Notes
- peregrination [per ə grə nā´ shən]
“Each step he took represented an inward peregrination.” Gretel Ehrlich, “On the Road With God’s Fool”
- conjugal [kon´ jə gəl]
Hillary is Our Lady of Perpetual Conjugal Suffering; the patron saint of every woman who’s ever been wronged.” Maureen Dowd, “Rudy in Reverse,” New York Times, 6/6/99
- barometer [bə rom´ ə tər]
“We watched carefully to see the ties that Mr. Smythe would wear as they were a sure barometer of the mood he would be in.” Loring Brewster, “Vermont’s Mr. Chips”
to wink at—to pretend not to see
There was a plethora* of evidence to show that the border guards would wink at illegal shipments if they were paid in advance.