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Barron’s 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 21 – Day 3

Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 21 - Day 3

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  • penance [pen´ əns] 

“I have done penance for condemning Love, Whose high imperious thoughts have punished me With bitter fasts, with penitential groans.” William Shakespeare, The Two Gentlemen of Verona

  • ascetic [ə set´ ik] 

“You don’t have to be an ascetic to wonder if there isn’t something a bit manic about the pace of getting and spending in today’s America.” Paul Krugman, “Money Can’t Buy Happiness. Er, Can It?,” New York Times, 6/1/99

  • desultory [des´ əl tôr´ ē] 

“Mortimer enters and, distracted by what his aunts are doing, plants a desultory kiss upon Elaine’s cheek.” Joseph Kesselring, Arsenic and Old Lace

  • disciple [də sī´ pəl] 

“Rick and his disciples dominated the entire summer scene, making it unpleasant for those who were not part of the inner circle.” Ellis R. Sloane, Catskill Idyll [adapted]

  • metamorphosis [met´ ə mör´ fə sis] 

“For nearly a year, the dauber, undergoing metamorphosis, inhabits its silken dung-stoppered cocoon inside the mud cell.” Alan Devoe, “The Mad Dauber”


the fat is in the fire—the mischief is done

We implored* him to desist* but he said that the fat was already in the fire.

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