Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 28 - Day 1
- vulnerable [vul´ nər ə bəl]
“Any vulnerable area in an otherwise strong person or structure is known as an Achilles heel.” Barbara G. Walker, The Women’s Encyclopedia
- bedlam [bed´ ləm]
“There was bedlam as the crowd awoke to the relief of victory.” Dick Thatcher, Against All Odds
- cacophony [kə kof´ ə ni]
“At his side he had a battery run radio blasting forth a sickening cacophony of noise.” Freeman Tilden, The National Parks
- exploit [eks´ ploit]
“He has not wanted to exploit his fame as a basketball star for political advantage.” Boston Globe, 7/27/99
- propinquity [prō ping´ kwə ti]
“It occurred to him that Varick might be talking at random to relieve the strain of their propinquity.” Edith Wharton, The Desert of Man
a white elephant—a costly and useless possession
When he discovered the 30-volume encyclopedia, dated 1895, in his attic, he knew he had a white elephant on his hands.