Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 28 - Day 2
- disgruntled [dis grun´ təld]
“The police believe the damage was done by a disgruntled ex-employee.” Newsday, 5/16/99
- infallible [in fal´ ə bəl]
“He had an infallible ear for the way people spoke, and he imitated them in his writing.” Reader’s Encyclopedia
- panacea [pan´ ə sē´ ə]
“Mrs. Clinton said that she was in Rochester to listen and learn not to offer panaceas for all civic problems.” Associated Press report, “Pre-Campaign Strategy,” 9/9/99
- eradicate [i rad´ i kāt]
“The urologist said that prostate cancer patients shouldn’t hang their hopes on having the vaccine eradicate the disease in the near future.” Associated Press, “Vaccine Fights Prostate Cancer,” Newsday, 10/21/99
- impede [im pēd´]
“Judge Jones has become known for her anger at defense lawyers who try to impede executions through legal maneuvers.” David Firestone, “Death Penalty Conference,” New York Times, 8/19/99
lock, stock, and barrel—entirely, completely
The company moved its operations to another state lock, stock, and barrel.