Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 34 - Day 2
- fluctuate [fluk´ chü āt]
“He fluctuated between mindless talk and endless silence.” Alix Shulman, “Memoirs of an Ex-Prom Queen”
- unmitigated [un mit´ ə gā´ tid]
“The crossword puzzle is the unmitigated sedentary hobby of Americans.” Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue
- commodious [kə mō´ dē əs]
“The new baseball stadium offered a more commodious arena for the fans and players.” Sports Illustrated, 5/11/99
- antiquated [an´ tə kwā tid]
“The custom of throwing rice at a newly married couple is an antiquated one, originally meaning a wish for many children.” “Wedding Guide,” Courier-Life Publications, 7/99
- disheveled [də shev´ əld]
“The wind tugged at and disheveled her hair.” William Cowper, The Task
brass tacks—the real problem or situation
After some moments of congenial* levity,* they got down to brass tacks.