Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 33 - Day 3
- abjure [ab jůr´]
“Galileo was summoned before the inquisition where he was ordered to abjure his theory.” S. F. Mason, Science Digest, 5/98
- reproach [ri prōch´]
“When reminded that he knew little history, Henry Ford reproached his critics by reminding them that history would know him.” Quoted in The Will Rogers Book, Paula Love, editor, 1961
- penitent [peṅ´ ə tənt]
“When father strode into the coal and ice office, he came out, the penitent clerk with him, promising to deliver a block of ice in time for dinner.” Clarence Day, Life with Father
- evanescent [ev´ ə nes´ nt]
“The incidents which give excellence to biography are of a volatile and evanescent kind.” Samuel Johnson, “The Rambler” No. 30
- tantamount [tan´ tə mount]
“Opponents of the proposed agreement claim it is tantamount to a surrender of holy land.” USA. Today, 1/13/00
to take under one’s wing—to become responsible for
As the new term began, the senior took the freshman under her wing.