Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 38 - Day 3
- foist [foist]
“Eventually, advertisements began to foist off the use of perfume as a way to snare a man.” E. S. Turner, The Shocking History of Advertising [adapted]
- stigmatize [stig´ mə tīz]
“People who so much as whisper during a performance are stigmatized as barbarians.” Joseph Wechsberg, The Best Things in Life
- capitulate [kə pich´ ə lāt]
“The embattled leader refused to capitulate to demands for his resignation.” Newsweek, 8/19/99
- audacity [ô das´ ə tē]
“Boldness be my friend! Arm me, audacity, from head to foot!” William Shakespeare, Cymbeline
- tantalize [tan´ tl īz]
“We were tantalized by a glimpse of a brown bear and her cubs in the wood.” Travel and Leisure, 10/97
castles in the air—a dream about some wonderful future
People on Skid Row* often build castles in the air.