Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 41 - Day 3
- propriety [prə prī´ ə tē]
“There is a propriety and necessity of preventing interference with the course of justice.” Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, decision, 10/28
- advent [ad´ vent]
“Industrial canning and the advent of freezing have reduced home canning to a curiosity.” Molly O’Neill, New York Times, 7/18/99
- impious [im´ pē əs]
“The Sunis regard the Shias as impious heretics.” Matthew Arnold, Essays in Criticism
- proffer [prof´ ər]
“Orin came to proffer his condolences when, wonder of wonder, he fell in love with the grieving widow.” Terence Cavanaugh, “An Ill Wind”
- spate [spāt]
“There has been a spate of tell-all memoirs, destroying the organization’s special status.” Jewish Monthly, 9/99
a blind alley—a direction that leads nowhere
The modus operandi was leading up a blind alley and they were barking up the wrong tree.