Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 44 - Day 2
- libel [lī´ bəl]
“Issues such as freedom of speech and libel are going to have to be rethought as the Internet makes everyone a potential publisher in cyberspace.” Thomas L. Friedman, “Boston E-Party,” New York Times, 1/1/00
- defamatory [di fam´ ə tôr ē]
“His defamatory remarks about minorities are transmitted on the Internet.” TIME, 8/30/99
- plaintiff [plān´ tif]
“When the attorney for the palsied plaintiff finished, there wasn’t a dry eye in the courtroom.” Rose Axelsohn, “The Defense Rests” [adapted]
- canard [kə närd´]
“It’s a canard to say I want to be a millionaire: I just want to live like one.” Toots Shor, quoted in Life Magazine, 10/12/69
- deprecate [dep´ rə kāt]
“Why do they always deprecate the efforts of a woman press secretary, but rarely a man doing the same job?” New York, 9/25/95
- a pretty kettle of fish—a messy situation, a problem
He knew that when he attacked the sacred cow* he would be in a pretty kettle of fish. (Do you remember this idiom? It was used earlier in the book and should be familiar.