Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 44 - Day 4
- diminutive [də min´ yə tiv]
“A giant of a chef, he is a diminutive, modest man.” New York Post, 10/10/99
- profuse [prə fyüs´]
“He offered profuse apologies for his show of exasperation, and he volunteered to read to her, something in French.” Aldous Huxley, “The Giaconda Smile”
- dulcet [dul´ sit]
“Her dulcet tones and intelligent reading of the story captivated the hearers.” “Our Town,” New York Times, 10/7/99
- impromptu [im promp´ tü]
“At an impromptu airport news conference, Gov. Bush declined to respond directly to questions about his experience with drugs.” Associated Press Report, “Next Question, Please,” 6/5/99
- malevolent [mə lev´ ə lənt]
“Our military action against the malevolent head of the Serbian government has finally ended.” Newsweek, 4/8/99
- to be under a cloud—to be in temporary disgrace or trouble
Until they discovered the real thief, he was under a cloud.