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Speak English Like an American Lesson 22 Idioms and Expressions MCQ Test

Speak English Like an American Lesson 22 Idioms and Expressions MCQ Test

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LESSON 22 – Susan Shares the Good News


Bob tells Susan that the Village Market won’t take their cookies anymore. Susan tells Bob that the National Cookie Company wants to buy out Susan’s Scrumptious Cookies.

Bob: Dear, I’ve got some bad news.

Susan: What’s the matter, Bob?

Bob: The Village Market won’t take any more of our cookies.

Susan: Why not? They’re selling like hotcakes!

Bob: I know, but a lady found a blue hair in her cookie. Now Carol refuses to sell them.

Susan: Carol is such a dragon lady! We’re better off having nothing to do with her.

Bob: She’s not my cup of tea either, but she was selling lots of cookies.

Susan: Oh well. That’s the way the cookie crumbles. Ha ha. Get it?

Bob: Susan, this is no laughing matter!

Susan: Bob, we don’t need the Village Market anymore.

Bob: Why not?

Susan: The National Cookie Company called. They want to buy out our business.

Bob: Susan, this is a dream come true. It looks like we’ve struck it rich!

Susan: Yes. Soon we’ll be rolling in dough!


  • better off

 in a more fortunate position

EXAMPLE 1: We’re better off leaving for France on Thursday evening, so we can spend the entire weekend there.

EXAMPLE 2: If you’re interested in studying languages, you’d be better off attending Northwestern University than the University of Chicago.

NOTE: This expression is often used with conditional tense (would), especially when you’re giving advice: “you would be better off doing something” or “you’d be better off doing something.”

  • (to) buy out

 to purchase an entire business or someone’s share of a business

EXAMPLE 1: Microsoft bought out Adam’s company for $12 million.

EXAMPLE 2: Harriett and Jane sell homemade snack chips. They hope one day a big company will buy out their business.

  • cup of tea

 the type of person or thing that one generally likes

EXAMPLE 1: Hockey isn’t Alan’s cup of tea. He prefers soccer.

EXAMPLE 2: I know Joy is nice, but she’s simply not my cup of tea.

NOTE: This expression is almost always used in the negative. She’s not my cup of tea.

  • dragon lady

 a nasty woman who misuses her power

EXAMPLE 1: Beth is a real dragon lady. She’s always screaming at her employees and blaming them for her mistakes. I hope she gets fired!

EXAMPLE 2: Liz was nasty to you? I’m not surprised. She’s a dragon lady.

SYNONYMS: bitch [slang]; shrew

  • (to) get it

 to understand

EXAMPLE 1: I invited 40 people to my Thanksgiving dinner, but only 10 people came. I don’t get it!

EXAMPLE 2: Don’t you get it? Your company is about to go out of business!

  • it looks like

 it’s likely that

EXAMPLE 1: It looks like I’ll be able to get out of work early today, so let’s plan on meeting downtown at 4:30.

EXAMPLE 2: It looks like it’s going to rain, so we’d better just cancel the picnic now.

  • no laughing matter

 nothing to joke about; something serious

EXAMPLE 1: When the tornado came into town, it was no laughing matter.

EXAMPLE 2: Jim might have been fooling around when he hit John, but he really hurt him. It was no laughing matter.

  • nothing to do with (someone or something)

 not have any relationship with someone; to not get involved with something

EXAMPLE 1: After I found out that Nora shoplifted some lipstick from the drugstore, I wanted nothing to do with her.

EXAMPLE 2: Larry asked Nick if he wanted to help him plan a robbery. Nick told Larry that he wanted nothing to do with it.

  • rolling in dough

 very rich

EXAMPLE 1: Susan and Bob don’t need to work anymore. They’re rolling in dough.

EXAMPLE 2: Adam will be able to retire young. He’s rolling in dough.

NOTE: This is a play on words. “Dough” means “money” as well as what is used to make cookies, breads, and pastries. The dough (cookies) made by Bob and Susan brought them lots of dough (money).

SYNONYMS: rolling in it; rolling in money; loaded

  • (to) sell like hotcakes

 to sell fast; to be a popular item

EXAMPLE 1:  Those new Fubu blue jeans are selling like hotcakes. All the girls love them.

EXAMPLE 2: Stephen King’s new novel is selling like hotcakes.

  • (to) strike it rich

 to attain sudden financial success

EXAMPLE 1: Chad struck it rich with the winning lottery ticket.

EXAMPLE 2: Craig hopes to strike it rich so he can quit his job and open a winery in California.

  • that’s the way the cookie crumbles

 that’s the way things go sometimes and there’s nothing you can do about it

EXAMPLE 1: You lost your job? That’s the way the cookie crumbles.

EXAMPLE 2: Somebody drank your last can of Pepsi? Oh well, that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

  • What’s the matter?

 What’s the problem?

EXAMPLE 1: What’s the matter, Bob? You don’t look very happy.

EXAMPLE 2: Oscar looks very pale. What’s the matter with him?

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