4000 Essential English Words 5 Unit 14: Day Without Sight

4000 Essential English Words 5 Unit 14: Day Without Sight

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Word List

  • asset [ˈæset] n. 

An asset is a skill or quality that is useful or valuable.

 The coach realized the boy’s speed was an asset to the team.

  • aspect [ˈæspekt] n. 

An aspect is one part or feature of something.

 I thought about the different aspects of owning two dogs.

  • Braille [breil] n. 

Braille is a system of raised patterns on paper that allows the blind to read.

 The boy enjoyed reading his favorite books written in Braille.

  • bud [bʌd] n. 

bud is a part of a plant that turns into a flower or a leaf.

 Two weeks after planting the seed, a small bud appeared.

  • coordinate [kouˈɔːrdəneit] v. 

To coordinate things is to make different parts work together.

 Each skating team had to coordinate their movements for the show.

  • disprove [disˈpruːv] v. 

To disprove something means to show that it is not true.

 The scientist disproved the theory that the sun moved around the Earth.

  • humanitarian [hjuːˌmænəˈtɛəriən] adj. 

If something is humanitarian, it is connected to helping people’s lives.

 After the flood, several humanitarian organizations offered help.

  • hypothesis [haiˈpɒθəsis] n. 

hypothesis is an idea for something that has not been proved yet.

 The teacher did an experiment to prove whether his hypothesis was right.

  • imprint [imˈprint] n. 

An imprint is an effect or lesson from an experience that is hard to forget.

 The experience ofwarleftan imprint on his mind that troubled him.

  • informative [inˈfɔːrmətiv] adj. 

When something is informative, it provides a lot of information.

 The travel guide had a lot of informative facts about the region.

  • optic [ˈɒptik] adj. 

When something is optic, it relates to the eyes or light.

 Her blindness was caused by a problem with her optic nerve.

  • premise [ˈpremis] n. 

premise is an idea on which something is based.

 The premise of the movie that Bobbi and I watched was unrealistic.

  • rack [ræk] n. 

rack is an object with shelves that holds things.

 He stored his tools on a rack.

  • Renaissance [reˈnəsɑːns] n. 

The Renaissance was a period between the 14th and 17th centuries.

 Leonardo Da Vinci was a popular artist of the Renaissance.

  • revere [riviə:r] v. 

To revere something is to admire it greatly.

 The students revere their teacher, who has taught them a lot.

  • simultaneous [ˌsaiməlˈteiniəs] adj. 

When something is simultaneous, it occurs at the same time as something else.

 The movement of the gears inside the watch was simultaneous.

  • skeptic [ˈskeptik] n. 

skeptic is a person who does not believe something.

 The scientist showed the skeptic that dinosaurs did exist by providing evidence.

  • spatial [ˈspeiʃəl] adj. 

When something is spatial, it relates to the position and size of things.

 He was asked where the books were located to test his spatial ability.

  • specify [ˈspesəfai] v. 

To specify is to describe something clearly.

 The poster didn’t specify where the concert was taking place.

  • wax [wæks] n. 

Wax is a substance that is slightly shiny and melts when heated.

 The candles are made of wax.

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