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4000 Essential English Words 5 Unit 11: Beethoven’s Gift

4000 Essential English Words 5 Unit 11: Beethoven’s Gift

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Word List

  • acute [əˈkjuːt] adj. 

When a bad thing is acute, it is very severe and intense.

 When she fell out of the tree, the girl felt an acute pain in her arm.

  • aggression [əˈgreʃən] n. 

Aggression is behavior that is mean or violent to others.

 The problem was only made worse by Mark’s aggression.

  • banquet [ˈbæŋkwit] n. 

banquet is a grand formal dinner.

 Both families brought a lot of food for the wedding banquet.

  • biography [baiˈɒgrəfi] n. 

biography is an account of someone’s life that is written by someone else.

 We read a biography about Charles Darwin in science class.

  • boost [buːst] v. 

To boost something means to increase or improve it.

 Lowering prices boosts customers’ interest in shopping.

  • clap [klæp] v. 

To clap means to hit one’s hands together to express pleasure or get attention.

 After the speech, everyone in the crowd clapped their hands for the speaker.

  • compel [kəmˈpel] v. 

To compel someone to do something means to force them to do it.

 Traffic signs compel drivers to drive safely.

  • dominance [ˈdɒmənəns] n. 

The dominance of a person is their state of being more powerful than others.

 Large gorillas hit their chests to express their dominance over others.

  • gorgeous [ˈgɔːrdʒəs] adj. 

When something is gorgeous, it is very pleasing and attractive.

 The girl picked out a gorgeous dress to wear to the dance.

  • inevitable [inˈevitəbəl] adj. 

When something is inevitable, it is certain to happen or cannot be avoided.

 It is inevitable that the days will get longer in the summer.

  • legacy [ˈleɡəsi] n. 

legacy is an effect that exists because of a person or thing in the past.

 The legacy of the ancient Egyptians can be seen in their monuments.

  • masterpiece [ˈmæstərpiːs] n. 

masterpiece is a very good painting, novel, movie, or other work of art.

 The Arc de Triomphe is considered a masterpiece in the world of architecture.

  • multiple [ˈmʌltəpəl] adj. 

If there are multiple things, there are many of them.

 When the stunt went wrong, the man suffered multiple injuries.

  • narrate [næˈreit] v. 

To narrate a story means to write about it or read it aloud.

 This story was written by John, but Aaron is narrating it to the crowd.

  • notorious [nouˈtɔːriəs] adj. 

When something is notorious, it is well-known because of something bad.

 This area of town is notorious for gang activity.

  • outdated [ˈautˈdeitid] adj. 

When something is outdated, it is old and no longer useful in modern time.

 Tape players are becoming outdated because of digital music.

  • overall [ˈouvərɔːl] adv. 

When a thing is talked about overall, the whole thing is considered.

 Overall, the party was a huge success.

  • partiality [ˌpɑːrʃiˈæləti] n. 

partiality is a tendency to prefer one thing to another.

 She has a partiality for walking to school instead of driving.

  • spontaneous [spɒnˈteiniəs] adj. 

When an act is spontaneous, it is not planned. It happens suddenly.

 My wife made a spontaneous decision to buy a new sofa while I was at work.

  • virtue [ˈvəːrtʃuː] n. 

virtue is a good quality or way of behaving.

 My best virtue is forgiveness.

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