4000 Essential English Words 5 Unit 18: The Soldier’s Decision

4000 Essential English Words 5 Unit 18: The Soldier’s Decision

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Word List

  • aggressive [əˈgresiv] adj. 

If someone is aggressive, then they constantly want to fight.

 Nobody liked to play games with him because he was always too aggressive.

  • amnesty [ˈӕmnəsti] n. 

Amnesty is a pardon given to prisoners of war.

 She was denied amnesty for her involvement in the war.

  • arena [əˈriːnə] n. 

An arena is a building where people can watch sports and concerts.

 The new arena was all set to hold the championship match.

  • auditorium [ˌɔːdiˈtɔːriəm] n. 

An auditorium is a large building used for public events.

 People have gathered at the school auditorium to watch the play.

  • captive [ˈkæptiv] n. 

captive is a prisoner.

 The guards told the captive that there was no way he could escape the prison.

  • combat [ˈkɒmbæt] n. 

Combat is fighting between two people or groups.

 The two warriors were locked in combat.

  • commonplace [ˈkɒmənpleis] adj. 

If something is commonplace, then it is ordinary.

 There is nothing commonplace about the way Morris dresses.

  • compound [ˈkɒmpaund] n. 

compound is an enclosed area such as a prison or factory.

 The workers waited outside the compound for the gates to the factory to open.

  • corps [kɔːr] n. 

corps is a division of a military force.

 The army had a corps of archers who trained apart from the regular soldiers.

  • distract [disˈtrækt] v. 

To distract someone means to stop them from concentrating on something.

 The phone call distracted him so much that he forgot all about his homework.

  • dumb [dʌm] adj. 

If someone is dumb, they are unable to speak.

 She did not share the secret. She remained silent as if she were dumb.

  • foe [fou] n. 

foe is an enemy or opponent.

 It was hard to believe that anyone could be his foe.

  • hack [hæk] v. 

To hack something means to cut it into uneven pieces.

 My uncle used the ax to hack the tree into many logs.

  • meditate [ˈmedəteit] v. 

To meditate means to focus or think deeply in silence.

 She liked to meditate for several hours of each day.

  • nick [nik] v. 

To nick someone means to cut them slightly with a sharp object.

 While cutting the carrots, the cook nicked his finger with the edge of his knife.

  • provoke [prəˈvouk] v. 

To provoke someone means to annoy them on purpose to cause violence.

 The older boy provoked Paul by calling him mean names.

  • realm [relm] n. 

realm is any area of activity or interest.

 He was not very active in the realm of business.

  • reign [rein] n. 

reign is the period of time in which a ruler rules.

 The emperor’s reign lasted for only two years.

  • rust [rʌst] n. 

Rust is a red and brown coating on iron objects caused by water and air.

 The old metal gate would not swing because the hinges were covered in rust.

  • sacred [ˈseikrid] adj. 

If something is sacred, then it is worshipped and respected.

 One religion in India will not harm cows because it believes that they are sacred.

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