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Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 – Lesson 28 MCQ Test

Illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2 - Lesson 28 MCQ Test

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Lesson 28 – In the kitchen


come about = happen

How did that come about?
A chance like this doesn’t come about every day.
I I hope a solution to the problem will come about soon.

A: How did the problem with the stove come about?
B: I was trying to melt my jewelry.

do away with = end; get rid of

I must do away with the mouse that lives in my basement.
The company is going to do away with paid overtime hours.
I am going to do away with all this old furniture and buy new things.

A: Why don’t we sell the old piano and get a new one?
B: I could never do away with it! My grandmother gave it to me.

in advance = before; ahead of time

It looked like a storm was coming, so I wanted to close the windows in advance.
You should make reservations in advance.
His girlfriend was coming, so he cleaned the house in advance.

A: It’s a very popular hotel. Are you sure you can get in?
B: Don’t worry. I booked a room three months in advance.

from scratch = from nothing; from basic or simple ingredients

She made the pastry from scratch.
This bread was made from scratch, not from a prepared mix.
We had to start from scratch when the computer disk failed.

A: These cookies are great!
B: Thanks. I made them myself from scratch.

in the long run = after a long time

You will have problems in the long run if you keep drinking so much.
In the long run, too much beef can cause serious health problems.
You will make more money in the long run if you go to university now.

A: Let’s fix that leaky pipe right away.
B: Yes. If we do it now, we’ll have less trouble in the long run.

on average = looking at the average case

On average, the cost of living in the city is higher than in the country.
On average, the price of computers has gone down.
Most people eat fast food twice a week on average.

A: How much sleep do you get on average?
B: About seven hours a night.

set aside = put apart; place out of the way

He set aside his book and paid attention to his son.
set aside half of the donut to eat later.
The government has set aside money especially to deal with this problem.

A: Our trip is coming up fast.
B: You’re right. Let’s set aside some time to plan tomorrow night.

settle for = accept instead of something better

Would you settle for a hamburger instead of a steak?
There was no soda, so he settled for water.
We had to settle for the smaller apartment because it was closer to my office.

A: Sorry, we don’t have any red caps.
B: That’s OK. I’ll settle for a green one instead.

so far, so good = everything is fine up to this time

How do you like the new job? So far so good.
“How is your project going?” “So far, so good.”
“How is your son doing in college?” “So far, so good.”

A: How’s life with the new baby?
B: So far, so good.

take over = take control; take responsibility

I can take over if you are tired.
A national bank took over the local bank last month.
If you are tired from driving, I can take over for a while.

A: I am getting tired of mowing the lawn.
B: I’ll take over this week so you can have a break.


My husband and I just had our first baby. For the first three months, I was breast feeding the baby. Then we decided we would do away with breast-feeding and give the baby formula and solid food. Part of the reason for this change was that I needed sleep. I had been feeding the baby when she woke up at night. That meant I was getting up two or three times each night on average. We knew the change to the new food would not come about easily, but we had to try. Even if it was hard at first, in the long run it was for the best.

My husband likes to eat all natural food, so he wanted the baby to eat home-made food. I told him that unless he was willing to set aside the time to make the food himself in advance, he would have to settle for regular baby food from the store. There was no way I was going to make baby food from scratch!

After we had tried giving formula to our baby for a few nights, a friend of mine asked, “How is the new feeding schedule going?”

So far, so good,” I told her. “I’m getting more sleep now that my husband took over some of the feedings at night. But sometimes I have to push my husband out of bed because he is a heavy sleeper. Last night when the baby started to cry, I woke my husband up and said, ‘She’s hungry.’ He looked confused and asked, ‘Who?'”

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