Speak English Around Town Lesson 14 Idioms, Proverbs, Expressions MCQ Test

Speak English Around Town Lesson 14 Idioms, Proverbs, Expressions MCQ Test

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LESSON 14 – Making Introductions


At the dinner party, Lisa introduces Lori and Mike to Jane and Kyle Chen. Lori and Jane realize they’ve met previously through work.

Lisa: Let me make some introductions. Lori and Mike Garcia, this is Kyle and Jane Chen.

Lori: Nice to meet you.

Kyle: I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your names.

Lori: I’m Lori and this is my husband Mike.

Lisa: You guys have a lot in common, so I’m sure you’ll hit it off.

Jane: Lori, you look familiar, but I can’t quite place you.

Lori: Your name rings a bell. Do you work at Harco Insurance?

Jane: I used to be in sales there. I left about a year ago.

Lori: I used to work at Comtek International. You sold us our insurance plan.

Jane: Yes, that’s right. It’s a small world!

Lori: It sure is. I’m glad we’ve crossed paths again.

Jane: Me too. What have you been up to since you left Comtek?

Lori: It’s a long story. Let’s grab some drinks, and I’ll fill you in.


Language Lens: “Used to”

Use used to + the base form of the verb to discuss past situations, conditions, or habits which are now different or finished.
Note: “Used to” is pronounced as one word: useta [yooz-ta].

◼ Sara used to live in New York, but now she lives in Chicago.
◼ Jason used to cook dinner every night, but now he gets takeout several times a week.
◼ Our mailman used to come at 11 a.m. every day, but now he comes later.
◼ Bill used to be a smoker.

=> With questions and negatives, the “d” on “used” is dropped.
Note: “Use to” is pronounced as one word: useta [yooz-ta].

◼ Did you use to play football every Saturday?
◼ Did Jeff use to ride his bike to work?
◼ Susan didn’t use to believe in ghosts.
◼ I didn’t use to like apples, but now I eat one every day.

Use used to + -ing form of the verb to describe something that you are in the habit of doing.

◼ I’m used to cooking dinner every night.
◼ I’m used to driving an hour to work.
◼ I’ll never get used to living so far from downtown.
◼ We’re used to sleeping in* on Sundays.

* sleep in – to sleep late on purpose (and not because you forgot to set your alarm!)


  • (to) cross paths

 to meet, especially by chance

Example: While I was vacationing in Florida, I crossed paths with an old friend from high school.

  • (to) fill someone in (on something)

 to update someone; to tell somebody what’s been going on

Example: Can you fill me in on what’s happening with our new business partner in China?

  • (to) grab some drinks

 to get something to drink; to go out for a drink

Example: Do you want to grab some drinks after work?

  • (to) have a lot in common

 to share similar interests or have similar backgrounds

Example: Julie and I have a lot in common, so we always have lots to talk about when we see each other.

  • (to) hit it off

 to get along well with someone

Example: Carl hit it off with a woman he met on Match.com, and now they’re getting married.

  • I can’t quite place you

 I’ve seen (or met) you before, but I can’t remember where or when

Example: Hi, I’m Charles Kim. I know we’ve met before, but I can’t quite place you.

  • I didn’t catch your name

 I didn’t hear your name when you were introduced

Exampel: “I know we were introduced earlier, but I didn’t catch your name.” – “I’m Svetlana Petrenko.”

Note: This is a polite way of asking somebody to repeat his or her name.

  • (to be) in sales

 to work in a sales position

Example: Bill used to be in sales for Comtek, but he recently took a new job in marketing.

NOTE: You can also be in marketing, in finance, in real estate, in banking, or “in” other fields of work.

  • It’s a long story

 there’s lots to say; a lot has happened; it’s complicated

Example: “Why didn’t you accept the job offer with the advertising agency?” – “It’s a long story.

  • It’s a small world!

 this expression is used when people are surprised to find out they know each other from some past experience

Example: I ran into my college friend from Chicago in a coffee shop in Vienna. It’s a small world!

  • (to) look familiar

 to look like someone one already knows or has seen before

Example: That actress looks familiar. Wasn’t she in the movie Midnight in Paris?

  • (to) make some introductions

 to introduce people

Example: After a few more people arrive, I’m going to make some introductions.

  • (to) ring a bell

 to sound familiar; to sound like something someone has heard before

Example: “You graduated from Yale in 2007? Did you know Jeremy Larson?” – “No, that name doesn’t ring a bell.”

  • What have you been up to?

 What have you been doing?

Example: I haven’t talked to you in a long time. What have you been up to?

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