400 Must Have Words for the TOEFL LESSON 14 – Anthropology Vocabulary Test

400 Must Have Words for the TOEFL LESSON 14 - Anthropology Vocabulary Test

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Word List

assimilate [əˈsɪməˌleɪt] v.

To consume and incorporate; to become similar

 Not all of the overseas students could assimilate into the rigidly controlled school.

Usage tips     Assimilate is often followed by into.

Parts of speech     assimilation n.

cremation [krəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] n.

The act of burning the dead

 Cremation is particularly common in Japan, where land for burial is very limited.

Parts of speech     cremate v.

domesticate [dəˈmestɪkeɪt] v.

To make something suitable for being in a home

 The Barnes family hoped to domesticate the tiger, but their neighbors were skeptical.

Usage tips     The object of domesticate is usually a plant or animal.

Parts of speech     domestic adj.

folklore [ˈfəʊklɔːr] n.

Traditional myths of a people transmitted orally

 Through folklore, archaeologists have learned about the migration of Native Americans in North America.

Parts of speech     folkloric adj.

fossilize [ˈfɑsəˌlaɪz] v.

To become preserved in clay or stone or ash after death, so that a natural record is left of the original organism; to become rigid and stuck in old ways

 The dinosaur eggs had fossilized over thousands of years.

Parts of speech     fossilization n., fossil n.

relic [ˈrelɪk] n.

Something left from a long-ago culture, time period, or person

 Relics of the war can still be found in the sand dunes along this shore.

rite [raɪt] n.

A ceremony meant to achieve a certain purpose

 Many cultures have fertility rites that supposedly make it more likely for women to bear children.

ritually [ˈrɪtʃ(u)əli] adv.

As part of a traditional ceremony or habit

 The children ritually kissed their parents on the cheek before bed.

Parts of speech     ritual n., ritual adj.

saga [ˈsɑːgə] n.

A long story about important events long ago

 Many American families tell sagas about their ancestors’ arrival in the United States.

vestige [ˈvestɪdʒ] n.

A visible trace that something once existed

 The wilted flowers were the only vestige of their romantic weekend.

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