400 Must Have Words for the TOEFL LESSON 15 – Social Inequality Vocabulary Test

400 Must Have Words for the TOEFL LESSON 15 - Social Inequality Vocabulary Test

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Word List

amend [əˈmend] v.

To change for the better

 The residents voted to amend their neighborhood policy on fences.

Parts of speech     amendment n.

biased [ˈbaɪəst] adj.

Leaning unfairly in one direction

 Her newspaper article was criticized for being heavily biased toward the mayor’s proposal.

Parts of speech     bias n.

burden [ˈbərdn] n.

Something that is carried; a source of stress or worry

 The donkey walked slowly under the burden of its heavy load.

Parts of speech     burden v.

counter [ˈkaʊntər] v.

To act in opposition to; to offer in response

 The hockey player countered the punch with a smashing blow from his hockey stick.

Parts of speech     counter n., counter adj.

de facto [ˌdeɪ ˈfæktoʊ] adj.

Truly doing a job, even if not officially

 Popular support established the Citizens Party as the de facto government.

Parts of speech     de facto adv.

discriminate [dɪsˈkrɪmɪneɪt] v.

To choose carefully among options

 The governor wisely discriminated between urgent issues and those that could wait.

Parts of speech     discriminatory adj., discriminate adj.

notion [ˈnəʊʃən] n.

A belief; a fanciful impulse

 The notion that older office equipment is unreliable is inaccurate.

Usage tips     Notion can be followed by a that clause or a to phrase.

oppress [əˈpres] v.

To keep down by force; to weigh heavily on

 Factory management oppressed workers through intimidation.

Parts of speech     oppression n.

paradigm [ˈpærədaɪm] n.

A pattern or model; a set of assumptions

 The usual paradigm for economic growth in developed countries does not apply to some poor nations.

Usage tips     Paradigm is often followed by for.

prejudiced [ˈpredʒʊdɪst] adj.

Causing to judge prematurely and unfairly

 Many consumers are prejudiced against commercial goods made in third-world countries.

Parts of speech     prejudice v., prejudice n.

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