4000 Essential English Words 5 Unit 4: The Corrupt Administrator

4000 Essential English Words 5 Unit 4: The Corrupt Administrator

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Word List

  • administrator [ædˈminəstreitər] n. 

An administrator is a person who controls a business, company, or organization.

 Everyone in the store did whatever the administrator asked them to do.

  • affluent [ˈæflu(:)ənt] adj. 

If someone is affluent, they are wealthy.

 People in the city are usually more affluent than people in the country.

  • audit [ˈɔːdit] v. 

To audit means to inspect financial records from a person or business.

 The government usually audits companies that report lower than usual incomes.

  • automate [ˈɔːtəmeit] v. 

To automate a company means to install machines or computers to do the work.

 When the bank automated, it started installing ATM machines.

  • bribe [braib] v. 

To bribe someone means to illegally persuade them for a favor with money.

 The judge was bribed so that she would set the suspect free.

  • corrupt [kəˈrʌpt] adj. 

If someone is corrupt, they break the law for money or fame.

 The corrupt policemen didn’t arrest the man because he gave them money.

  • dispose [diˈspouz] v. 

To dispose of something means to get rid of it.

 He disposed of the can by throwing it into the recycle bin.

  • headquarters [ˈhedˈkwɔːrtərz] n. 

headquarters is a building where the bosses of a company work.

 He drove the long route to headquarters because it was a nice day.

  • incentive [inˈsentiv] n. 

An incentive is what makes a person want to do something.

 The chance of winning a prize was incentive to get people to play the game.

  • infrastructure [ˈinfrəˌstrʌtʃər] n. 

An infrastructure is a collection of services needed to run a society or business.

 Power lines are important parts of a city’s infrastructure.

  • legislate [ˈledʒisleit] v. 

To legislate means to make laws.

 Senators have to legislate fairly, so most people will enjoy the benefits.

  • legitimate [liˈdʒitəmit] adj. 

If something is legitimate, then it is acceptable according to the law.

 She found a legitimate plan to raise extra funds for her vacation.

  • manipulate [məˈnipjəleit] v. 

To manipulate something means to skillfully or unfairly control or affect it.

 The Dr. manipulated the data to make it look like the cure was working.

  • merchandise [ˈməːrtʃəndaiz] n. 

Merchandise is goods ready to be purchased or sold.

 The store added more merchandise because there were more shoppers.

  • retail [ˈriːteil] n. 

Retail is the activity of selling goods to the public, often for personal use.

 Though cheap to make, once a t-shirt reaches retail, it costs ten times as much.

  • revenue [ˈrevənjuː] n. 

Revenue is the income made by a company.

 The new products really increased the business’s monthly revenue.

  • rubbish [ˈrʌbiʃ] n. 

Rubbish is trash or waste.

 The floor around the garbage can was covered with all kinds of rubbish.

  • subsidy [ˈsʌbsidi] n. 

subsidy is money given by the government to companies to assist them.

 The official gave the company a subsidy, so it could open two new factories.

  • transaction [trænˈsækʃən] n. 

transaction is an act of buying or selling something.

 Because the clerk was new at the job, the simple transaction took a long time.

  • violate [ˈvaiəleit] v. 

To violate a law, rule, or agreement means to break it.

 I was given a ticket because the policeman said I violated the speed limit.

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