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4000 Essential English Words 2 Unit 17: Henry Ford’s Famous Car

4000 Essential English Words 2 Unit 17: Henry Ford’s Famous Car

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Word List

  • aim [eim] n.
    An aim is a goal someone wants to make happen.
    My aim is to become a helicopter pilot.
  • attach [əˈtætʃ] v.
    To attach is to put two things together.
    I attached the socks to the clothesline to dry.
  • bet [bet] v.
    To bet is to risk money on the result of a game or a business.
    How much will you bet that your horse will win?
  • carriage [ˈkærɪdʒ] n.
    A carriage is a vehicle pulled by a horse.
    We took a carriage ride in the park.
  • classic [ˈklæsɪk] adj.
    If something is classic, it is typical.
    The athlete made a classic mistake-he started running too soon.
  • commute [kəˈmjuːt] v.
    To commute is to travel a long distance to get to work.
    I usually commute to work on the train.
  • confirm [kənˈfəːrm] v.
    To confirm is to make sure something is correct.
    Winning the game confirmed that James was a good player.
  • criticize [ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz] v.
    To criticize is to say you do not like someone or something.
    He criticized his wife forspending too much money.
  • differ [ˈdɪfər] v.
    To differ is to not be the same as another person or thing.
    I differ from my brother: he is short, while I am tall.
  • expense [ɪksˈpens] n.
    An expense is the money that people spend on something.
    She wrote down all the expenses for her trip.
  • formal [ˈfɔːrməl] adj.
    If something is formal, it is done in an official way.
    It was a formal dinner, so we wore our best clothes.
  • height [haɪt] n.
    Height is how tall someone or something is.
    My height is 168 centimeters.
  • invent [ɪnˈvent] v.
    To invent something is to create something that never existed before.
    My grandfather has invented some interesting things.
  • junior [ˈdʒuːnjər] adj.
    If someone is junior in their job, they do not have a lot of power.
    When she started at the company, she was only a junior
  • labor [ˈleɪbər] n.
    Labor is the act of doing or making something.
    Building the house took a lot of labor.
  • mechanic [məˈkænɪk] n.
    A mechanic is someone who fixes vehicles or machines.
    We took the car to the mechanic to be fixed.
  • prime [praɪm] adj.
    If something is prime, it is the most important one.
    Dirty air is a prime cause of illness.
  • shift [ʃɪft] v.
    To shift to something is to move into a new place or direction.
    He shifted to the other side of the table to eat his breakfast.
  • signal [ˈsignəl] n.
    A signal is a sound or action that tells someone to do something.
    The coach blew his whistle as a signal to begin the game.
  • sincere [sɪnˈsɪər] adj.
    When people are sincere, they tell the truth.
    He sounded sincere when he apologized to me.

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