4000 Essential English Words 2 Unit 16: Prince Sam
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Word List
- chamber [ˈtʃeɪmbər] n.
A chamber is an old word for a bedroom.
→ The girl was tired. She went to her chamber for a nap. - deny [dɪˈnaɪ] v.
To deny something is to say it is not true.
→ The boy denied that he broke the window. - document [ˈdokjəmənt] n.
A document is an official piece of writing.
→ He was given an official document proving he was a citizen. - emphasize [ˈemfəsaɪz] v.
To emphasize is to give importance or attention to something.
→ She emphasized the key points by circling them in red ink. - fever [ˈfiːvər] n.
A fever is a high body temperature that people get when they are sick.
→ Lydia had a high fever so she didn’t go to school. - flu [flu:] n.
The flu is a type of sickness that makes you feel weak or your body hurt.
→ Since he had the flu, he felt miserable. - freeze [fri:z] v.
To freeze is to become very cold.
→ If you don’t wear your coat in winter, you will freeze. - gesture [ˈdʒestʃər] n.
A gesture is a movement of the hands or body.
→ My teacher makes a lot of gestures when she speaks. - interrupt [ˌɪntəˈrʌpt] v.
To interrupt is to briefly stop someone when they are doing something.
→ My mother interrupted me when I was trying to listen to music. - last [læst] v.
To last is to continue or go on for an amount of time.
→ The football match lasted for nearly two hours. - likeness [ˈlaɪknɪs] n.
Likeness means the state of being like, or resemblance.
→ Michelle bears a strong likeness to her older sister Kate. - moreover [mɔːˈrəʊvər] adv.
Moreover means besides or in addition to something.
→ It’s cold outside. Moreover, the wind is very strong. - perspective [pə:rspektɪv] n.
A perspective is the way you think about something.
→ The man’s speech gave me a new perspective on our country. - rational [ˈræʃənl] adj.
When something is rational, it is normal or practical.
→ It is hard to think in a rational way when you are scared. - recover [rɪˈkʌvə:r] v.
To recover is to go back to normal after something bad happens.
→ I hope the city will recover soon after the flood. - rely [rɪˈlaɪ] v.
To rely on something or someone is to trust or depend on them.
→ The boy relied on his older brother to help him. - shock [ʃɒk] v.
To shock people is to surprise them.
→ The man was shocked by the news. - shy [ʃaɪ] adj.
When people are shy, they are nervous around people strange to them.
→ The girl was too shy to try out for the play. - stare [stɛə:r] v.
To stare at something is to look at it for a long time.
→ The young couple stared into each other’s eyes. - thus [ðʌs] adv.
Thus means as a result or for that reason.
→ The sun was shining. Thus, I wore my sunglasses.