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4000 Essential English Words 2 Unit 23: The Clever Thief

4000 Essential English Words 2 Unit 23: The Clever Thief

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classWord List

  • alike [əˈlaɪk] adj.
    If two thing

    Unit 23: The Ice House

    Word List

    • allocate [ˈæləkeit] v. 

    To allocate something means to put it aside for a certain purpose or person.

     The government allocated $100 million to aid the disaster relief effort.

    • appetizing [ˈæpitaiziŋ] adj. 

    When food is appetizing, it looks and smells very good.

     The appetizing plate of cookies was gone in half an hour.

    • blizzard [ˈblizərd] n. 

    blizzard is a severe snow storm with strong winds.

     We did not dare to go outside during the terrible blizzard.

    • cavity [ˈkævəti] n. 

    cavity is a hole or space in something.

     There was a small cavity in the wall of the cave where an animal lived.

    • clockwise [ˈklɒkwaiz] adv. 

    If something moves clockwise, it moves in a circle in the same direction as a clock.

     Turn the screw clockwise to tighten it.

    • concentric [kənˈsentrik] adj. 

    When circles or rings are concentric, they have the same center.

     The target was a series of concentric circles.

    • courtesy [ˈkɔːrtəsi] n. 

    Courtesy is the excellence of manners or social conduct.

     Jenna always behaves with great courtesy when people visit her home.

    • crisp [krisp] adj. 

    When food is crisp, it is hard or has a hard surface in a way that is pleasant.

     My favorite snack is a bag of crisp, delicious potato chips.

    • discord [ˈdiskɔːrd] n. 

    Discord is disagreement or fighting between people.

     There was much discord between the experts on the talk show.

    • frigid [ˈfridʒid] adj. 

    When something is frigid, it is extremely cold.

     We decided not to go on the hike because the weather was too frigid.

    • generate [ˈdʒenəreit] v. 

    To generate something means to cause it to develop or begin.

     The mayor promised to generate new jobs and programs to help the poor.

    • glacial [ˈgleiʃəl] adj. 

    When something is glacial, it relates to large masses of ice that move slowly.

     Penguins thrive in the glacial regions of Antarctica.

    • interchange [ˌintərˈtʃeindʒ] n. 

    An interchange of ideas between people is a discussion of each person’s idea.

     There was an interchange of ideas between the groups.

    • locker [ˈlɒkər] n. 

    locker is a small cabinet with a lock where people store their possessions.

     I keep my school books in my locker.

    • multicultural [ˌmʌltiˈkʌltʃərəl] adj. 

    When something is multicultural, it relates to many different cultures.

     Everyone was welcomed to attend the multicultural celebration.

    • omission [ouˈmiʃən] n. 

    An omission is something that has been left out or not done.

     Mike was upset because of the omission of his name during the ceremony.

    • oversee [ˌouvərˈsiː] v. 

    To oversee something means to make sure that it is being done properly.

     His job was to oversee the progress of the construction project.

    • pierce [piərs] v. 

    To pierce something means to make a hole in it using a sharp object.

     The arrow pierced the target in the very center.

    • replicate [ˈrepləˌkeit] v. 

    To replicate something is to do it in the exact same way as someone before.

     I would love to replicate my father’s achievements in school.

    • wavy [ˈweivi] adj. 

    When something is wavy, it is not straight but has a series of curves.

     The child drew wavy lines all over the piece of paper.

    s or people are alike, they are similar in some way.
    People often think my sister and I look alike.
  • annoy [əˈnɔɪ] v.
    To annoy someone means to bother them.
    The flies buzzing around John’s head annoyed him very much.
  • architecture [ˈɑːrkətektʃər] n.
    Architecture is the style or way a building is made.
    The architecture of the church is amazing.
  • artificial [ˌɑːrtəˈfɪʃəl] adj.
    If something is artificial, it is made to look like something natural.
    That soccer field has artificial grass, but it looks real.
  • chain [tʃeɪn] n.
    A chain is a series of connected loops often used to keep things in place.
    The scary dog was secured with a chain.
  • distinct [dɪsˈtɪŋkt] adj.
    If something is distinct, it is easily noticed or different from other things.
    That girl has distinct pink hair.
  • distinguish [dɪsˈtɪŋgwɪʃ] v.
    To distinguish is to recognize differences between things.
    The twins look exactly the same. It is hard to distinguish between them.
  • dust [dʌst] n.
    Dust is very tiny pieces of dirt or other matter.
    In the old house, the dust was thick on the floor and chairs.
  • excitement [ɪkˈsaɪtmənt] n.
    Excitement means to feel a lot of happiness about something.
    Did you see the excitement in her when the team scored?
  • heal [hiːl] v.
    To heal means to make a part of the body healthy again after injury.
    After my broken arm heals, I can play baseball again.
  • inherit [ɪnˈherɪt] v.
    To inherit is to get something from someone who has died.
    She inherited her mother’s gold earrings.
  • manner [ˈmænə:r] n.
    A manner is the way someone does something.
    His manner of not looking at someone while speaking, is a bit rude.
  • mount [maʊnt] v.
    Something mounts when it becomes stronger over time.
    His fear mounted as the monster crawled out from under his bed.
  • roof [ruːf] n.
    A roof is the outside top part of a building.
    The roof was covered with snow.
  • shortage [ˈʃɔːrtɪdʒ] n.
    A shortage is a lack of something you need or want.
    Since there was a shortage of food, people were hungry.
  • solid [ˈsɒlɪd] adj.
    If something is solid, it is made of firm material.
    The safe looked to be quite solid.
  • stock [stɒk] n.
    A stock is a stored amount of something.
    They keep a stock of rice so they’ll always have something to eat.
  • substance [ˈsʌbstəns] n.
    A substance is any specific material or mixture of materials.
    Water is an important substance for all living things.
  • tomb [tuːm] n.
    A tomb is a grave where a dead person is buried.
    Their whole family is buried inside the tomb.
  • wound [wuːnd] n.
    A wound is an injury to the body.
    He had many wounds after the car accident.

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