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4000 Essential English Words 2 Unit 24: The Doctor’s Cure

4000 Essential English Words 2 Unit 24: The Doctor’s Cure

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Word List

  • bath [bæθ] n. 

bath is water in a tub. People take a bath to get clean.

 After playing in the dirt, the boy took a bath.

  • bend [bend] v. 

To bend is to move something so it is not straight.

 Lee bent over and picked up the paper on the ground.

  • chew [tʃuː] v. 

To chew is to move your mouth to break up food.

 I always chew my food carefully before swallowing it.

  • disabled [dɪsˈeɪbəld] adj. 

When a person is disabled, they cannot do what a normal person can do.

 The disabled man used a wheelchair to move around.

  • fantastic [fænˈtæstɪk] adj. 

If something is fantastic, it is really good.

 The student did a fantastic job on his project and got an award.

  • fiction [ˈfɪkʃən] n. 

Fiction is a story that is not true.

 I enjoy reading works of fiction because they are very entertaining.

  • flag [flæg] n. 

flag is a piece of colored cloth that represents something.

 Our country has a beautiful flag.

  • inspect [ɪnˈspekt] v. 

To inspect is to look at something carefully.

 The mechanic inspected our car to see if it had any problems.

  • journal [ˈdʒəːrnəl] n. 

journal is a type of magazine that deals with an academic subject.

 Mi-young was busy working on an article for an art journal.

  • liquid [ˈlɪkwɪd] n. 

liquid is a substance that is neither solid nor gas.

 Water is the most important liquid for life.

  • marvel [ˈmɑːrvəl] v. 

To marvel at something is to feel surprise and interest in it.

 We marveled at her excellent piano playing.

  • nutrient [ˈnjuːtrɪənt] n. 

nutrient is something that a living thing needs to keep it alive.

 Vegetables are full of important nutrients.

  • overcome [ˌəʊvəˈkʌm] v. 

To overcome a problem is to successfully fix it.

 She overcame her shyness and spoke in front of the class.

  • recall [rɪˈkɔːl] v. 

To recall something is to remember it.

 She was trying to recall what she had told her friend.

  • regret [rɪˈgret] v. 

To regret something is to wish that it didn’t happen.

 I regret that I was mean to my sister.

  • soul [soʊl] n. 

soul is a person’s spirit.

 Some people believe that the soul lives after the body dies.

  • sufficient [səˈfɪʃənt] adj. 

When something is sufficient, you have enough of it.

 After eating a sufficient amount of food, I left the table.

  • surgery [ˈsəːrdʒərɪ] n. 

Surgery is medical treatment when the doctor cuts open your body.

 I needed surgery to repair my leg after the accident.

  • tough [tʌf] adj. 

If something is tough, it is difficult.

 The man passed his driving test even though it was very tough.

  • tube [tjuːb] n. 

tube is a pipe through which water or air passes.

 The pile of tubes was going to be put in the ground.

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