4000 Essential English Words 6 Unit 17: The Tenacious Inventor

4000 Essential English Words 6 Unit 17: The Tenacious Inventor

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Word List

  • accelerate [ækˈseləreit] v. 

To accelerate means to increase in speed.

 When he stepped on the gas pedal, the motorcycle accelerated.

  • anew [əˈnjuː] adv. 

If you do something anew, you do it again and in a different way.

 Though he had failed his driving test, he decided to try it anew.

  • defect [ˈdiːfekt] n. 

defect is a part of something that is wrong or missing.

 All these bottles have a defect and must be sent back to the warehouse.

  • dreary [ˈdriəri] adj. 

If something is dreary, then it is dull, dark, and lifeless.

 After the fire, this section of forest is rather dreary.

  • duplicate [ˈdjuːpləkeit] v. 

To duplicate something means to copy it.

 She duplicated her friend’s movements like she was in front of a mirror.

  • electromagnetic [iˈlektroumægˈnetik] adj. 

If something is electromagnetic, it is related to electricity and magnetic fields.

 Different colors of light come from different levels of electromagnetic energy.

  • electron [iˈlektrɒn] n. 

An electron is a particle in all atoms that has a negative electric charge.

 The number of electrons in an atom determines the substance the atoms make.

  • glide [glaid] v. 

To glide means to fly on extended wings with little or no effort.

 When the wind is blowing, birds can glide easily through the sky.

  • ingenious [inˈdʒiːnjəs] adj. 

If someone is ingenious, then they are very smart.

 Charles was the only person ingenious enough to repair the plane’s engines.

  • innovation [inouˈveiʃən] n. 

An innovation is a product or an idea that is new or very original.

 Mrs. Johnson made a great innovation to the company’s business plan.

  • innovative [inouˈveitiv] adj. 

If something or someone is innovative, they can think in creative ways.

 Since Peter was so innovative, he was chosen to lead the science team.

  • launch [lɔːntʃ] v. 

To launch something means to make it go into motion.

 The boat launched from the dock and floated down the river.

  • meteorological [ˌmiːtiərəˈlɒdʒikəl] adj. 

If something is meteorological, it is concerned with the science of weather.

 The thunderstorm was so large that it became a great meteorological event.

  • meteorology [ˌmiːtiəˈrɒlədʒi] n. 

Meteorology is the science that studies the weather.

 In order to understand the weather, you have to study meteorology.

  • penetrate [ˈpenətreit] v. 

To penetrate something means to enter into it.

 The knife easily penetrated the surface of the orange.

  • propulsion [prəˈpʌlʃən] n. 

Propulsion is the force that moves something forward.

 The propulsion lifted the rocket into the sky.

  • simulate [ˈsimjəleit] v. 

To simulate something means to copy its actions or characteristics.

 The French language teacher could simulate the accent of a French citizen.

  • spur [spəːr] v. 

To spur someone means to urge them into action.

 The coach’s speech spurred her team into playing the best game of their lives.

  • stimulate [ˈstimjəleit] v. 

To stimulate something means to cause or to increase activity in it.

 Doctors sometimes use electric shock to stimulate a patient’s heartbeat.

  • tenacious [təˈneiʃəs] adj. 

If someone is tenacious, then they do not easily give up.

 I’m sure that he’ll finish that difficult sale. He is very tenacious.

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