4000 Essential English Words 3 Unit 7: Patsy Ann
Word List
- abandon [əˈbændən] v.
To abandon something is to leave it forever or for a long time.
→ The old room had been abandoned years before.
- ambitious [æmˈbɪʃəs] adj.
If someone is ambitious, they want to be rich or successful.
→ Kendra had to be ambitious to get into medical school.
- bark [bɑːrk] v.
When a dog barks, it makes a short, loud noise.
→ The dog barked loudly and frighteningly.
- bay [beɪ] n.
A bay is an area near the ocean where the land goes inward.
→ The Golden Gate Bridge crosses San Francisco Bay.
- brilliant [ˈbrɪljənt] adj.
If someone is brilliant, they are very smart.
→ My younger sister is brilliant for someone her age.
- chin [tʃɪn] n.
Your chin is the hard part at the bottom of your face.
→ Luke pointed to the hair on his chin.
- complaint [kəmˈpleɪnt] n.
A complaint is something you say to tell people that you don’t like something.
→ Mom said she didn’t want to hear my brother’s complaints.
- deaf [def] adj.
When someone is deaf, they cannot hear.
→ Susan was born deaf.
- enthusiastic [eneu:ziæstik] adj.
To be enthusiastic about something is to be excited by or interested in it.
→ The man was enthusiastic about his job.
- expedition [ˌekspədɪʃən] n.
An expedition is a long trip, usually to a place very far away.
→ They got into their spaceship to begin their expedition.
- horizon [həˈraɪzən] n.
The horizon is where the sky looks like it meets the ground.
→ The sun clipped below the horizon.
- loyal [ˈlɔɪəl] adj.
To be loyal to something or someone is to agree to always help them.
→ The three friends are very loyal to each other.
- mayor [meiə:r] n.
The mayor is the person in charge of a city.
→ The mayor o f my hometown is quite a powerful speaker.
- mutual [ˈmjuːtʃuəl] adj.
If something is mutual, it is felt in the same way by two or more people.
→ Robert likes Sarah. The feeling is mutual.
- overweight [ouvərweit] adj.
If someone is overweight, they are very fat.
→ Roger eats too much, so now he’s overweight.
- refuge [ˈrefjuːdʒ] n.
A refuge is a place where you go to be safe.
→ When it started to rain, she found refuge in the house.
- restore [rɪsˈtɔːr] v.
To restore something is to put it back the way it was.
→ Victor restored the old car.
- rub [rʌb] v.
To rub something is to push on it and move your hand back and forth.
→ Mom’s feet were sore, so she rubbed them.
- senses [sensiz] n.
Your senses are how you see, taste, hear, feel and smell.
→ It would be hard to live without your five senses.
- veterinarian [ˌvetərənɛərɪən] n.
A veterinarian is a doctor that takes care of animals.
→ Wanda became a veterinarian because she loves dogs.