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4000 Essential English Words 4 Unit 27: a Dying Forest

4000 Essential English Words 4 Unit 27: A Dying Forest

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Word List

  • beneficial [benəˈfiʃəl] adj. 

If something is beneficial, it is good for you.

 Drinking milk everyday is beneficial to your bones.

  • birthplace [ˈbəːθpleis] n. 

birthplace is a place where a person is born or where something started.

 China is the birthplace of chopsticks.

  • capacity [kəˈpæsəti] n. 

The capacity of something is the amount of things that can be put in it.

 The parking lot has reached its full capacity.

  • comparative [kəmˈpærətiv] adj. 

If something is comparative, it is being judged based on something else.

 The money that John has is comparative to most other adults.

  • comprehensive [ˌkɒmpriˈhensiv] adj. 

If something is comprehensive, it has all the details about something else.

 The teacher gave us a comprehensive review for the exam.

  • conserve [kənˈsəːrv] v. 

To conserve something is to protect it from being ruined or used completely.

 The group worked to conserve the beauty of Europe’s national parks.

  • crucial [ˈkruːʃəl] adj. 

If something is crucial, it is extremely important to another thing.

 Clean air is crucial to the survival of humans, plants, and animals.

  • cumulative [ˈkjuːmjəleitiv] adj. 

Cumulative describes an increase by adding one after another.

 The cumulative snowfall in the area is 50 centimeters per year.

  • deposit [diˈpɒzit] v. 

To deposit something is to put it into a place or another thing.

 I deposited the money into my bank account.

  • distribute [disˈtribjuːt] v. 

To distribute something is to give it to a number of people.

 The teacher distributed crayons and markers to his students.

  • equator [iˈkweitər] n. 

The equator is an imaginary line that splits the Earth into north and south.

 The equator crosses the northern part of South America.

  • exotic [igˈzotik] adj. 

Exotic describes something unusual because it is from far away.

 Rebecca tried many exotic foods on her trip to Africa.

  • federal [ˈfedərəl] adj. 

If something is federal, it comes from the government of a country.

 Sometimes federal laws are different from state laws.

  • formation [fɔːrˈmeiʃən] n. 

formation is the way that something is made.

 The formation of ice happens when water freezes.

  • frequency [ˈfriːkwənsi] n. 

The frequency of something is the number of times that it happens.

 The frequency of rainstorms is very high, especially during the spring.

  • objective [əbˈdʒektiv] adj. 

An objective is a goal or plan that someone has.

 My objective this week is to finish my homework by 7:30 every night.

  • oxygen [ˈɒksidʒən] n. 

Oxygen is a gas that all living things need to breathe.

 My aunt believes that the oxygen in the country is cleaner than in the city.

  • rainforest [ˈreinˌfɔ(:)rist] n. 

rainforest is a forest that is in a place where it rains very often.

 The rainforest is home to many animals.

  • strategy [ˈstrӕtədʒi] n. 

strategy is a plan for how to do something.

 The team came up with a strategy to win the game.

  • wooded [ˈwudid] adj. 

If an area is wooded, it is covered with trees.

 Jim and Ben decided to go hiking in the wooded area by the river.

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