4000 Essential English Words 4 Unit 30: The Heirs

4000 Essential English Words 4 Unit 30: The Heirs

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Word List

  • bill [bil] n. 

bill is a statement of money owed for goods or a service.

 I have so many bills that I do not know how to pay for them all.

  • boundary [ˈbaundəri] n. 

boundary is the line where one area of land stops, and another begins.

 This fence shows the boundary between our yard and yours.

  • chaos [ˈkeiɒs] n. 

Chaos is a situation that is confusing and not ordered.

 His presentation was in chaos. I couldn’t understand what he meant.

  • consistent [kənˈsistənt] adj. 

If a person is consistent, they keep the same behavior or attitude.

 Sara comes in every day and is our most consistent worker.

  • cyclone [ˈsaikloun] n. 

cyclone is a large storm with heavy rain and winds that spin in a circle.

 Hundreds of homes were damaged by the cyclone.

  • doomed [duːmd] adj. 

If someone or something is doomed, they are going to fail or be destroyed.

 Since I spent all my money, my date with Jane is doomed.

  • heir [ɛər] n. 

An heir is a person who receives money or property of someone who dies.

 The princess was the heir to the king and queen’s throne.

  • martial [ˈmɑːrʃəl] n. 

If something is martial, it is related to fighting or war.

 Karate is a martial art that began many years ago in Japan.

  • organic [ɔːrˈgænik] adj. 

If food is organic, it is grown without adding chemicals to it.

 The organic carrots are more expensive, but they’re better for you.

  • poultry [ˈpoultri] n. 

Poultry is a bird, such as a chicken, that is used for meat and eggs.

 He raises poultry and sells their meat for extra money.

  • scramble [ˈskræmbl] v. 

To scramble is to move somewhere quickly and desperately.

 The hikers scrambled down the side of the hill.

  • sergeant [ˈsɑːrdʒənt] n. 

sergeant is a soldier or police officer of middle rank.

 He was promoted to sergeant after a year in the army.

  • sheer [ʃiə:r] adj. 

If you describe something as sheer, it is complete and very strong.

 I was impressed by her sheer dedication to jogging.

  • stance [stæns] n. 

stance is an attitude about an issue that someone states clearly.

 My stance is that using oil and gas is bad for the environment.

  • telegraph [ˈteləgræf] n. 

telegraph is a method of sending electric messages on wires.

 In the 1900s, the telegraph was the fastest way to send a message.

  • textile [ˈtekstail] n. 

Textile is cloth that has been woven or knitted.

 The blue textile was going to be used to make blouses.

  • tornado [tɔːrˈneidou] n. 

tornado is a tube-shaped formation of air that spins very quickly.

 During a tornado, the safest place to be is underground.

  • typhoon [taiˈfuːn] n. 

typhoon is a large tropical storm that moves in circles.

 Thousands of people lost electricity after a typhoon hit Australia.

  • wail [weil] v. 

To wail is to show sadness by crying loudly.

 The baby wailed because it was hungry.

  • wardrobe [ˈwɔːrdroub] n. 

wardrobe is the collection of all of a person’s clothing.

 She bought some new clothes to expand her wardrobe.

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