4000 Essential English Words 4 Unit 8: Janie and the Music Player

4000 Essential English Words 4 Unit 8: Janie and the Music Player

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Word List

  • access [ˈækses] n. 

Access is the right to enter or use something.

 The manager was the only person with access to the password.

  • conduct [ˈkɒndʌkt] n. 

Conduct is the way that someone acts.

 She was punished for her bad conduct.

  • constant [ˈkɒnstənt] adj. 

When an event or action is constant, it happens a lot or all the time.

 The television at home is in constant use.

  • crack [kræk] n. 

crack is a narrow space between the parts of something broken.

 The old window was covered with cracks.

  • device [diˈvais] n. 

device is an object or a machine.

 A thermometer is a device that tells temperature.

  • enclose [inˈklouz] v. 

To enclose something is to contain it.

 The cows in the field were enclosed by a fence.

  • grip [grɪp] v. 

To grip something is to hold it very tightly.

 I was scared, so I gripped my older sister’s hand.

  • halt [hɔːlt] v. 

To halt is to stop moving.

 The criminal halted when he saw the police coming.

  • impending [ɪmˈpendɪŋ] adj. 

If something is impending, it is going to happen soon.

 The student was nervous about his impending test.

  • influence [ˈinfluəns] v. 

To influence someone or something is to have an effect over them.

 My friend influenced my decision to attend Terrance University.

  • law [lɔː] n. 

law is a rule made by the legislative body.

 The students learned about different laws during social studies class.

  • mode [moud] n. 

mode is a setting or condition on a machine.

 Mother turned the TV to quiet mode while she talked on the phone.

  • perspire [pəsˈpaɪər] v. 

To perspire means to sweat.

 I usually perspire a lot when I am at practice.

  • replace [riˈpleis] v. 

To replace something is to put it in the place of something else.

 I replaced the tire on my car because it was flat.

  • snap [snæp] v. 

To snap something means to break it suddenly, which causes a loud noise.

 I took the stick and snapped it with my hands.

  • sly [slai] adj. 

If a person or animal is sly, they are sneaky or good at tricking people.

 The sly fox stole the eggs from the nest.

  • tend [tend] v. 

To tend to do something is to be likely to do it or to do it often.

 My mom tends to buy me the perfect gift each Christmas.

  • valid [ˈvælid] adj. 

When something is valid, it is correct or based on good reasoning.

 The expert’s opinion on the subject was more valid than others.

  • version [ˈvəːrʒən] n. 

version is an account of something that differs slightly from the original.

 She read the students British version of the Chinese fairy tale.

  • whatsoever [hwɒtsouˈevər] adj. 

You use whatsoever after a noun to emphasize that there is nothing of that thing.

 The boy had no idea whatsoever how to solve the story problem.

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