400 Must Have Words for the TOEFL LESSON 24 - International Trade Vocabulary Test
Word List
distill [diˈstil] v.
to remove one liquid from a mixture of liquids by boiling; to get something valuable from a confusing mix of ideas
→ The forest peoples of Southeast Asia distill an alcoholic drink called arak from a paste of palm berries.
Parts of speech distillation n., distillery n.
entrepreneurial [ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜːrɪəl] adj.
Able to create business opportunities from a wide variety of circumstances
→ Many engineers of the 1970s made great computers, but only a few were entrepreneurial enough to see the business possibilities in the new machines.
Parts of speech entrepreneur n.
extract [ˈekstrækt] v.
To take out
→ International mining companies came to the Malay Peninsula to extract the region’s massive tin deposits.
Parts of speech extraction n., extractor n.
haggle [ˈhægl] v.
To argue back and forth about a price
→ The customer and the shopkeeper haggled over the silver plate for more than an hour.
Usage tips Haggle is often followed by a phrase with over or about.
Parts of speech haggler n.
intrepid [ɪnˈtrepɪd] adj.
→ For nearly 200 years, only the most intrepid colonists would cross the Appalachian Mountains.
merchant [ˈməːtʃənt] n.
A person who makes a living by selling things
→ The spice merchants of the eastern markets charged top prices to the Dutch and British sailors, who had come too far to sail away without buying.
Usage tips The word merchant might be preceded by another noun telling what the merchant sells (e.g., spice merchant or wine merchant).
Parts of speech merchandise v., merchandise n., mercantile adj.
proportionately [prəˈpɔːʃnɪtlɪ] adv.
In an amount appropriate to each of several recipients
→ The food aid was distributed proportionately per family, with larger families receiving more.
Parts of speech proportion n., proportionate adj., proportionally adv.
prototype [ˈprəʊtəʊtaɪp] n.
The first one made of a machine or system
→ The airplane manufacturer uses robots to test every prototype, just in case there is a problem with the design.
reward [rɪˈwɔːd] n.
Something one gets for having done well
→ The greatest reward of being a parent is to see your child make a wise decision.
Usage tips Reward might be followed by an of or for phrase naming what one has done well.
Parts of speech reward v.
shuttle [ˈʃʌtl] v.
To move back and forth often between two places
→ The small jet shuttles between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore nearly every two hours.
Parts of speech shuttle n.